Nadbiskup splitsko-makarski mons. Zdenko Križić služeći misu na Božić u katedrali sv. Duje poručio je da trebamo 'upaliti svjetiljke naše vjere', kritizirao je nerađanje začete djece rekavši kako je abortus zločin koji vapi u nebo a upozorio je i na podjele u hrvatsko društvu
The main conceptual idea of the text is: The importance of strengthening religious beliefs (using the metaphor of "lighting the lamps of our faith") to combat the sin of abortion and the divisions within society. This idea is conveyed through the following: * Calling for "lighting the lamps of our faith": This implies a need to rededicate oneself to religious values and principles. * Labeling abortion as "a sin that cries to heaven": This emphasizes the moral condemnation of abortion from a religious perspective. * Mentioning divisions in Croatian society: This suggests that these divisions, perhaps related to abortion, need to be bridged through shared religious values. Essentially, the message urges the faithful to rely on their religious convictions to address both the moral issue of abortion and the societal challenges stemming from differing viewpoints.